Was there ever time when people had it right?

It’s easy to look back and talk about the golden age. The time when things were great and not messed up they way there are now. It’s almost like talking about how great it was when we were a child and things were simpler. Simpler, because it’s easy to forget that the whole time we grew up we couldn’t wait until we were grown. It’s easy to forget about the times you got grounded or spanked when you actually hadn’t done something wrong. Easy to forget the awful school year where you had to deal with the bully that never left you alone.

But was there a time when people had it right? The greatest generation? Won World War II. Fought Fascism. Lived through the depression. Paved the way for peace and established Israel as a nation again. Also a generation that locked up Japanese Americans and separated blacks. Told people where they could sit and what water fountain to drink from. Maybe it wasn’t so perfect. But what if we back up. If we stick to American History and we back all the way up to the Revolutionary War and we declared independence. Sounds like a nice time. But even then we were so torn and afraid to face the ugly side to slavery that we ignored it. Let it fester until we had to pull it from our side during the Civil War.

So let’s back up to a time before. Europe must have had things going for them. Why else would people’s had fled for the new world. Why else would there have been a need for Martin Luthor? Ok, Ok let’s back up even further. Let’s back up way before to Constantine all the way to when Jesus walked the earth to show us how to do it. I mean he only had to show us how to do it because the scribes and pharisees messed everyone up right? I mean that’s the only reason they KILLED the Son of God. It’s not like one of His own hadn’t turned Him in or anything.

Clearly things weren’t good then, but what if we back up to before Israel went astray from God. Before the time when they slayed the priests and Elijah had to run around the country side hiding from Jezabel. Before Solomon let all the high places in. All the way back to the king after God’s own heart, David. The king that unified Israel and showed everyone how to run a country. I mean it was great wasn’t it. I mean even if you were a lowly guy with one wife it was ok, she was your wife and beautiful. I mean it was ok just as long as the great king didn’t want her and had you murdered so he could have you. 

Maybe we have to go back before. I mean they had it right when Moses was in charge and giving them everything straight from God right? I mean they didn’t whine at all or set up a golden calf with the gold that God had given them from the Egyptians did they?

So before that then? How about Abraham. He had it right. The father of many nations. The man whose household was go wonderful that he took a servant, had a child, then sent her off to the wilderness with a child because it made his wife upset. You know the wife, that had the idea of him having this child with her.

Adam and Eve in the garden has to be the ticket… NO. What?? Why? Because people are fallen and they are never going to get things right. We can’t. What is it we are told to pray?

Matthew 6:9-10  After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.  (10)  Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

Thy kingdom come. We are to pray for the kingdom of heaven to come here because this is a fallen world and we are to look forward to the day when God brings heaven here and a new heaven and new earth arrive. That is why this world is broken. It isn’t heaven. So many people are angry with God because they see the problems of this world and either no longer believe in Him or are angry with Him because this happened or so and so died, but that is the point of this world. We are supposed to hate this world. We are supposed to get it in our thick sottish skulls that a world without God sucks.

We have to as followers learn to understand this and praise God that we can learn this lesson. It is the lesson that Satan never did.

One thought on “Was there ever time when people had it right?”

  1. Very well put. We are a broken people and need Jesus to help us through the mess , we will get it wrong and so we admit to God ” God you are right I am wrong forgive me” and determine to ,with His help to do better.

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