Tag Archives: false messiah

One World Government

The One World Government, or First Beast, outlined in Revelation 13,  is a political system that will be in place over the entire world during the Tribulation. This governing body will have 7 world nations roughly based on continental boundaries, and there will be 10 officials (10 kings) that head this system (Rev 13:1). This system has been in the process of being set up for centuries, but a big step was taken in 1945 with the establishment of the United Nations.

The One World Government, or New World Order, will be a communistic system that controls its citizens through the Four Hidden Dynasties (religion, politics, economy and education) which have been gaining strength in the world over centuries (Daniel 7:6, 8:8, Zech 1:18-19).

The leader of this One World Government is known as the Raiser of Taxes (Dan 11:20), and he will give way to the antichrist halfway through the tribulation (Dan 7:7-8, 8:13-14, 9:27, 11:21-45, 12:6-7, Rev 11:1-2, 13:11-18). When the antichrist arrives on earth in that midpoint, the One World Political System (Dan 7:7, Rev 13:1-10) will become a One World Religious System with the antichrist himself as its leader (Dan 7:8, Rev 13:11-18). Antichrist and his system, in the second half of the Tribulation, is known as the Second Beast, and it will force everyone of the world to worship the beast (Rev 12:9, 13:13-14), and everyone who does will receive the Mark of the Beast (Rev 14:9-11). The world will want to worship him because he will seem to be a benevolent messianic figure (2 Thess 2-3). Most Christians will believe he is Jesus. Those of other religions will believe he is also their respective messiahs, and he will claim that really all messiahs are actually one being, and it is he who is that being.

There will, however, be a small group of people, God’s elect, who will recognize antichrist and the beast and will refuse to bow to him (Matt 24:24). These people are the only ones in the world who will not be deceived by this system because they are sealed by the Holy Spirit with the Seal of God (Romans 11:4, Rev 7). Because the elect will not bow to antichrist, they will be delivered up to testify as to why they will not (Matt 10:17-24, Mark 13:9-13, Luke 12:11-12, 21:12-15, Rev 2:10). At this time, the Holy Spirit will speak through their  mouths and say things that no one will be able to deny (Luke 12:12, 21:14-15).

It is imperative to know and be able to recognize the First and Second Beasts before we enter the tribulation.


The role of the antichrist will be filled by satan (Isa 14, Eze 28, 2 Thess 2:3-4), when he returns, halfway through the tribulation (Dan 7:7-8, 8:13-14, 9:27, 11:20-21, Rev 8:1, 9, 11:1-2, 13:11-18). He will claim to be Jesus, and any other savior from other religions. The antichrist will appear to be everything that most Christians expect Jesus to be when He returns, but it will not truly follow what the scriptures say about Jesus’ return. He will be a cheap impostor, just as he carries a cheap imitation bow and rides the white horse (Rev 6:1-2), with the purpose of uniting the world in a one world religion (Rev 13:11-18). And most importantly, he will come before Jesus’ return!

He will be given miraculous power, by God, to perform miracles and signs to deceive the world to believe that he is the savior that everyone has been waiting for (Rev 13:13-14). This deception will unite the world religions and convince the world that the differences between religions, and their respective messiahs, are merely misunderstandings of their scriptures (Rev 12:9, 13:11-18). The world, for a while, has been promoted the idea, by religious leaders and public figures, that all religions are equal, and even that they the same. This has been used to prepare the world for this deception of antichrist.

The deception of antichrist and his one world religious system will be allowed by God to separate those who have studied and know the scriptures very well from those who have not (2 Thess 2:7-12, 2 Tim 2:15). Only the best biblical students (the elect) will be able to pass this test and know that antichrist is not Christ (Matt 24:24, Rom 11:7-11, Rev 12:9). Those who know who antichrist really is will not bow to him in worship or receive the mark of the beast (Rev 20:4). This is because these people are sealed with this knowledge by the Holy Spirit, and they will pass this test and overcome (Rom 11:4-5, Rev 7).

Everyone who receives the mark of the beast, because they were deceived, will fail this test, and will be taught and disciplined in the period immediately following Jesus’ return, the Millennium (Eze 44, Rev 20). This will lead to a third, and final, test at the end of the Millennium when satan is released to try to deceive the world one last time (Rev 20:7-9).